is a software developer and web designer, creating web-related tools and utilities, interested in front-end software development, fascinated by back-end software, usually dove deep in tools and libraries.

If you have Flattr and would like to support my work, here you can "flatter" me.
Using Gratipay you can help me to be able to continue to produce open source software.
Through this BitCoin address you can support me to continue to develop great software.
In case you use PayPal, through it you can support me to implement new features and develop better software.
Direct Wire
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.
If you would like to support my projects, you can send money through wire.

Thank you for your support!